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Buy Elizabeth Levy Books on Amazon
  • Amber Brown Horses Around
    Amber Brown Horses Around
    by Paula Danziger, Bruce Coville, Elizabeth Levy
  • Amber Brown Is on the Move
    Amber Brown Is on the Move
    by Paula Danziger, Bruce Coville, Elizabeth Levy
  • Amber Brown Is Tickled Pink
    Amber Brown Is Tickled Pink
    by Paula Danziger, Bruce Coville, Elizabeth Levy
  • Parrots & Pirates (Mystery at Sea)
    Parrots & Pirates (Mystery at Sea)
    by Elizabeth Levy
  • Danger & Diamonds (A Mystery at Sea)
    Danger & Diamonds (A Mystery at Sea)
    by Elizabeth Levy
  • . . . If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution
    . . . If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution
    by Elizabeth Levy
  • My Life as a Fifth-Grade Comedian
    My Life as a Fifth-Grade Comedian
    by Elizabeth Levy





Fiction For Ages 5-8

Fletcher Mysteries and Something Queer Mysteries 

These humorous mysteries starring Gwen, Jill and their beloved fat dog Fletcher have enthralled readers for over thirty years. Illustrated by Caldecott Winner Mordicai Gerstein, they have been hailed as "boundary breakers" and "Just too much fun to miss." They have been picked five times as Book of the Month Club Main Selections for Children.


Fletcher Mysteries

A Hare-Raising Tail, Simon and Shuster,2002

The Principal’s On the Roof, Simon and Shuster, 2002, Book-Of-The Month-Club, Main Selection, October, 2002

The Mixed-Up Mask Mystery, Simon and Shuster, 2003

The Mystery of Too Many Elvises, Simon and Shuster, 2003, Book-of-the-Month-Club Main Selection, September 2003

The Cool Ghoul Mystery, Simon and Shuster, 2003


Something Queer Mysteries 

Something Queer in the Wild West, Hyperion Press, 1997

Something Queer at the Scary Movie, Hyperion Press, 1995

Something Queer at the Cafeteria , Hyperion Press, 1994. (Book of the Month Club Main Selection, December 1994)

Something Queer in Outer Space, Hyperion Press, 1993

Something Queer at the Birthday Party, 1989

Something Queer in Rock'N Roll, Delacorte, 1987

Something Queer at the Haunted School, Delacorte, 1982, Dell Paperback

Something Queer on Vacation, , Delacorte, 1980, Dell Paperback

Something Queer at the Library , Delacorte, 1977, Dell Paperback. (Xerox Book Club)

Something Queer at the Ballpark, Delacorte, 1975, Dell Paperback. (Junior Literary Club)

Something Queer is Going On , Delacorte, 1973, Dell Paperback. (My Weekly Reader Book Club Selection, Children's Choice)


Sam and Robert Bamford Monster Books

In each book, brothers Sam and Robert try to scare or tease each other, but their imaginations run wild until they begin believing their own tall tales. Now half scared, half thrilled, in order to protect each other, they end up unraveling the secrets behind every day events. "These chapter books have just the right combinations of chuckles and chills for young readers looking for ?a scary one." - School Library Journal. "A gerbil zombie, Dracula, Frankenstein, vampires...Sam, his little brother Robert, and their cousin Mabel have seen it all! Or have they? These spooky chapter books also have serious lessons about friendship and family." -Book of the Month Club.

Dracula is a Pain in the NeckNight of the Living Gerbil, Harper Trophy, 2003

Vampire State Building, Harper Collins, 2002

Wolfman Sam, HarperCollins, 1996

Gorgonzola Zombies in the Park, HarperCollins, 1993. (Book of the Month Club Selection, October 1994)

Dracula Is a Pain in the Neck, Harper & Row, 1983, Harper Trophy Paperback. (Xerox Book Club)

Frankenstein Moved in on the Fourth Floor,Harper & Row, 1979, Harper Trophy Paperback. (My Weekly Reader Book Club, Book of the Month Club Selection, January, 1988)


Invisible Inc. Mysteries

An invisible boy, otherwise perfectly normal, his best friend with a hearing loss and able to read lips and a bossy but brave girl together form a detective agency. They call themselves Invisible Inc. "Good messages abound and kindness and sensitively abound in (these stories) that are laced with elementary age humor." -Associated Press

The Schoolyard MysteryParents’ Night Fright, Scholastic, 1998

The Karate Class Mystery, Scholastic, 1996

The Creepy Computer Mystery, Scholastic, 1996

The Snack Attack Mystery, Scholastic, 1995

The Mystery of the Missing Dog, Scholastic, 1995

The School Yard Mystery, Scholastic, 1994


Other Chapter Books/Picture Books

Big Trouble in Little TwinsvilleTake Two, They’re Small, They're Small, Harper Collins, 2002

Big Trouble in Little Twinsville, Harper Collins, 2001

Third-Grade Bullies, Hyperion Press, 1998

Keep Ms. Sugarman in the Fourth Grade, HarperCollins, 1992. (Nominated for the Florida Sunshine State Award, Best Book of 1992, New Mexico, Land of Enchantment Award, Nevada Award, Charlie May Simon Honor Book Awards, Arkansas, 1992 Children?s Choice Award - 1993 - Great American Book Club Selection)

Cleo and the Coyote, HarperCollins, 1996. Children's Choice, 1996

The Shadow Nose, William Morrow, 1983, Scholastic Paperback

Nice Little Girls, Delacorte, 1974


Brian and Pea Brain Mysteries

A Mammoth Mix-Up, HarperCollins, 1995

School Spirit Sabotage, HarperCollins, 1994

Rude Rowdy Rumors, HarperCollins, 1994


Magic Mysteries

The Case of the Dummy With Cold Eyes, Simon & Schuster, 1991

The Case of the Tattletale Heart, Simon & Schuster, 1990

The Case of the Mind-Reading Mommies, Simon & Schuster, 1989

The Case of the Gobbling Squash, Simon & Schuster, 1988


Fiction For Ages 8-12

Amber Brown Is Tickled Pink

Pirates and Parrots

Danger and Diamonds


Tackling Dad, Harper Collins, 2005 Levy provides depth to this story as both the protagonist and her father develop: she finds a place within his new family and he realizes how to support and nurture his relationship with his daughter. - School Library Journal

Seventh-Grade Tango, Hyperion Press, 2000 (ABA Pick of the Lists, Scholastic Book Club)

My Life as a Fifth-Grade Comedian, HarperCollins, 1997
"The fine line that divides comedy from bitterness and teasing from harassment is poignantly explored: we laugh in order not to cry." - Publisher's Weekly (Hundred Best Books/New York Public Library, Junior Literary Guild Book Club, Scholastic Book Club 2000, Virginia State Award Nominee)

Cheater, Cheater, Scholastic, 1993. (Junior Literary Selection)

The Computer that Said Steal Me, Four Winds Press, 1983, Scholastic Paperback

Running Out of Magic with Houdini, A.A. Knopf, 1981

Running Out of Time, A.A. Knopf, 1980

The Tryouts, Four Winds Press, 1979

Lizzie Lies A Lot, Delacorte, 1976, Dell Paperback. (Children's Choice)



#12 Out of Control

#13 First Date

#14 World Class Gymnast

#15 Nasty Competition

#16 Fear of Falling

#17 Gymnast Commandos

#18 New Coach

#19 Tough at the Top

#20 The Gymnasts' Gift

#21 Team Trouble

#22 Go For the Gold


Young Adult Fiction


The Drowned, Hyperion, 1995

Cold As Ice, Avon, 1989

All Shook Up, Scholastic, 1986

Night of Nights, Ballantine, 1984

The Dani Trap, William Morrow, 1984, Avon Paperback

Double Standard, Avon, 1984

Come Out Smiling, Delacorte, 1981


Jody and Jake Mysteries, Pocket Books

The Case of the Mile High Race, 1982, England, Hodder & Stoughton

The Case of the Wild River Ride, 1981

The Case of the Fired-Up Gang, 1981

The Case of the Counterfeit Race Horse, 1980

The Case of the Frightened Rock Star, 1980



America's Horrible Histories

Who Are You Calling a Woolly Mammoth? Prehistoric America, Prehistoric America, Scholastic, 2001

Awesome Ancient Ancestors! Mound Builders, Maya, and More, Scholastic, 2001

Are We There Yet? Europeans Meet the Americans, Scholastic, 2001

Cranky Colonials, Scholastic, 2001



Other Non-fiction

If You Where There When They Signed the Constitution, Scholastic, 1987 "...written in a brisk and catchy style...summarizing complex situations and ideas simply and accurately. - New York Times. (Book of the Month Club Children's Selection)

Elephants in the Living Room, Bears in the Canoe, (Co-Authors, Earl and Liz Hammond), Delacorte, 1977. (Readers Digest Condensed Book) Struggle and Lose, Struggle and Win: The United Mine Workers Story, (Co- Author, Tad Richards) Four Winds Press, 1977. (ALA Notable, New York Times Outstanding Young Adult Books, 1977)

Struggle and Lose, Struggle and Win: The United Mine Workers Story, (Co- Author, Tad Richards) Four Winds Press, 1977. (ALA Notable, New York Times Outstanding Young Adult Books, 1977)

Before You Were Three, (Co-Author, Robie Harris), Delacorte, 1977, Delacorte Paperback. (Alternate Book of the Month Club Selection)

By-Lines: Profiles in Investigative Journalism, Four Winds Press, 1975, Scholastic Paperback

The People Lobby: The SST Story, Delacorte, 1973


For the People

Politicians for the People, Delacorte, 1979

Lawyers for the People, A.A. Knopf, 1974, Dell Paperback

Doctors for the People, Co-author Mara Miller, A.A. Knopf, 1977, Dell Paperback



Chapter Books/Novels

The Bride: Movie Storybook, Random House, 1985

A Different Twist, Scholastic, 1984

Father Murphy's First Miracle, Random House, 1983

Return of the Jedi, Random House, 1983

Marco Polo, Random House, 1982


Bill Cosby's Fat Albert

The Shuttered Window, Delacorte, 1981

Mister Big Time, Delacorte, 1981

Take Two, They're Small, Delacorte, 1981

Spare the Rod, Delacorte, 1981

Mom or Pop, Delacorte, 1981

The Runt, Delacorte, 1981